Thursday, 6 October 2011

Frontier disc and Walls

Frontier disc is a disc(s) located at the outer place which adjacent to one or more empty square(s) at the board.

Picture 6.1

picture 6.1 shows that white has 2 frontier discs marked with red and black has 12 frontier discs marked with yellow. On the contrary, discs surrounded by another disc which doesnn't have an empty square neighbouring around it  is called interior disc or internal disc. at picture 6.1, d4, d5, e4 and e5 shows the interior disc .

As for wall(s), it is defined as a bunch of frontier disc that has the same color adjacent to one another. A move that perform a lot of frontier disc is called loud move, and a move that perform only a little or no frontier disc at all is called a quiet move.

In the othello game, A lot of frontier discs and walls will lower the probability of a player to win the game. This topic will be further discussed at mobility and evaporation section.